
A1 Leaving Cert History Essays and Notes (copy)

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A1 Leaving Cert History Essays and Notes (copy)


This is a comprehensive 40 page book to help all those leaving cert students who need some help achieving a higher grade in history. Leaving Cert history is notorious as a subject for being difficult and confusing but this comprehensive guide will break down and simplify key aspects in the Sovereignty and Partition, USA and the World and Northern Ireland sections of the course. I myself achieved an A1 creating and working off these essays and notes.

Topics included are:


Why did the 1916 Rising take place

Pádraig Pearse

To what extent was the 1916 Rising successful?

Cumann na nGaegheal Government 1922-32

Fianna Fáil Government 1932-1949

The Eucharistic Congress 1932

What was the impact of World War II on society in Ireland, North and South?

How did the Unionist Party respond to the challenges posed by the existence of a substantial nationalist minority within Northern Ireland?

USA AND THE WORLD 1945-89 21

Why did the US experience economic boom 1945-68?

How did McCarthyism affect US affairs 1945-68?

How did the Anti-War movement affect US affairs 1945-68?

From your study of society and economy, 1945-89, what did you learn of the importance of one of more of the following: urban poverty; drugs and crime; racial conflict?

During the period between 1945 and1989, what were the major changes which took place in the role of women and the family?

What were the main developments in U.S. foreign policy 1973-1989?


What was the significance of the Apprentice Boys of Derry in Northern Irish affairs?

Why was the choice of Coleraine as the site for Northern Ireland’s second university controversial?

What was the effect of Republican and Loyalist terrorism on Northern Ireland?

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